Creative Art and Textile Groups

The Abbey has a thriving creative community with many groups to get involved in.

The Abbey Knitters

First Tuesday of the month in the Abbey 1:30pm – 3:30pm

The Abbey Knitters started in 2016 when members and friends of the congregation knitted a long red scarf which wrapped all the way round the Abbey. This represented the ribbon which wraps round the orange of a Christingle and was made to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Christingle services in the Abbey.

The following year, the first day of the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race finished outside the Abbey, so it was decided to make bunting of small, knitted cycling jumpers which were hung from the Abbey railings.

The groups current project is The Baby Bear Project which they were invited to be involved with. It is a charitable project supporting some of the poorest families in South Africa. HIV/Aids is tearing communities apart, and is the main cause of extreme poverty. Mothers of newborn babies in St Mary’s hospital in Durban are so poor many of them were taking their babies home wrapped in newspaper. The aim of the project is to provide each mother with a pack of basic items for their newborn baby. A set consists of blanket, hat, mittens, bootees, jumper, and a teddy bear. These packs are sent directly to the hospital at regular intervals. The group are pleased and proud to be involved with this project and meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the Abbey 1:30-3:30 to knit, natter and have a cup of tea.

Art in the Abbey

There is a small informal group of people who get together in the Abbey (usually on Tuesdays and/or Fridays) to paint, draw, colour and create. Each person brings their own piece to work on and all are welcome regardless of experience or ability. 

There are also occasional ‘Artists Days’ (usually Saturdays once or twice a year) when anyone is welcome to come along, whether on their own or as part of a group. Anyone is welcome whether they are experienced artists or have never picked up a paint brush. There is an ‘Artist in Residence’ for the day who can offer advice and support if required. There is generally space on these days (if we are notified in advance) for people to display examples of their work.

We are also currently enjoying the skills of textile artist Serena Partridge (Selby Abbey Artist in Residence 2022) who is creating some miniscule embroidery pieces around the Abbey as part of ‘Selby Stories’ – a cultural programme for the Selby High Street Heritage Action Zone. When finished there will be a trail to discover and enjoy these. Ask one of the Welcomers if you need help in finding them.

Exhibitions in the Abbey

From time to time we host temporary exhibitions and displays in the Abbey. Details of any that are coming up can be found on our “What’s On” page. If you are interested in exhibiting in the Abbey yourself, please contact us.